In letzter Zeit wurde ich immer wieder nach Tipps gefragt, was man gegen eine zeitweilige Müdigkeit tun kann, z.B. am frühen Morgen auf der Anreise zu einem Wettkampf oder im Anschluss auf der Rückfahrt. In dem Video zeige ich dir eine einfache Atemtechnik, die dein Gehirn und deinen Körper aktiviert. Bekannt wurde sie durch Anthony Robbins.
Thank you Cristian for this interesting video tip. It is amazing how respiration can help to overcome fatigue. Indeed, people often experience a low mental attitude after long trips, and one good idea, would be to control respiration. I wonder if English subtitle will be available for the future videos. Thanks!
Thanks for commenting. Yes, breathing is an amazing tool and frankly, it is neglected by most people and athletes. At the same time we are all breathing all the time. This means, it is fairly easy to do a breathing exercise with virtually no extra time needed. English subtitle is a good idea for the future. At this stage my blog is focused on the German speaking community. As the community is growing (there are already members from 10 countries) I might switch to English or launch an English version. However, this might take some time.